Monday 18 December 2017

Nitrogen OS Magenta Update 18/12/2017 for Redmi Note 3

#Nitrogen OS Magenta Update 2017/12/18


   * bionic/
25cfa4a9b Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
da22c8b78 linker: Make platform text relocations denial optional

   * build/soong/
cc8fb28 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
355e7b8 soong: clang: Update dtc clang version to 6.0
766e49e variables: Add needs_text_relocations product variable
58b2e3b variables: Add uses_media_extensions product variable
3d7c9eb variables: Add has_legacy_camera_hal1 product variable

   * device/xiaomi/kenzo/
9e82a52 import settings from latest purekernel zip
3f69cc6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into o2

   * external/sqlite/
8e0804b sqlite: upgrade to SQLite 3.21.0
779a520 Reduce sync safety levels from 3 to 1

   * frameworks/av/
a2f959ff4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
f4840379f CameraService: Fix deadlock in binder death cleanup.
ad5fe8301 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
84d47bd0a Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
624035b43 audiopolicy: make audio policy extensible
751b10db1 Remove unused IMediaSource Implementation, AACEncoder
19d7e6b9b CameraService: Fix deadlock in binder death cleanup.
3423a8a25 audioflinger: Fix audio for WifiDisplay
7b5ed37b7 Enable Wifi Display to support 1920*1080 60fps
a506cdebc Increase max screen recording time to 1 hour
95aa3d69d camera: Don't segfault if we get a NULL parameter

   * frameworks/base/
c8d6452f09f Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
af979bc15f0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
e67ffe21d44 Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [1/2]
266312d6cc8 theme: eradicate blue-gray
faec77700a0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
bb876d0101f [1/2] base: configure SystemUI theme

   * hardware/interfaces/
aea7bdcb Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
f8952924 interfaces: Use %d for int32_t with clang6

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
5ac8aa8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
c2eb7be Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
d294ff0 Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [2/2]
d44751e [2/2] configure SystemUI theme
4e8edf7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD

   * packages/apps/Settings/
7a53a7e420 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
848f19c525 Settings: Support for PL lang

   * packages/apps/Terminal/
4862967 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
56dfa84 RU translation
f8c43a5 Added icons
00fef14 Terminal: Change icon to adaptive icon

   * system/bt/
b060bceb btm_inq: fix build with BTA_HOST_INTERLEAVE_SEARCH

   * system/core/
643eb7002 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
2886dc158 adb: Restore support for legacy f_adb interface
7f8fbf656 libsuspend: Bring back earlysuspend

   * system/sepolicy/
0ddd2d0e sepolicy: Also allow vendor_file text relocations
a8891c39 sepolicy: Allow optional platform text relocations
cd40ba37 sepolicy: Restore support for legacy f_adb interface

   * system/vold/
213d64d cryptfs: fix wrong password set by user during bootup
98307b0 vold: Add Hardware FDE feature
1aa578c Treat removable UFS card as SD card
759e6a0 vold: ntfs: Use strlcat

   * vendor/nitrogen/
21dee35 overlay: Disable SystemUI anti-falsing on lockscreen


   * art/
ae135dd08 art: Update asm_support_gen.h for latest clang
7430857a1 Improve splitting/spilling position choice.
2ee98acbc ARM64: Workaround for the callee saved FP registers and SIMD.
f6c763ab8 ARM64: Tune SIMD loop unrolling factor heuristic.
54bae64ca ART: Fix loop header's predecessors reordering in SimplifyLoops.
ee9972d4a ART: Fix SimplifyInduction for an instruction with HEnvironment.
4cc5a2497 ARM: Fix breaking changes from recent VIXL update.

   * device/qcom/sepolicy/
44fe92c Merge LA.UM.6.4.r1-05400-8x98.0

   * device/xiaomi/kenzo/
febd9d8 Import Lineage doze from op3 tree
d884506 Add XiaomiParts Thanks to @maxwen (kanged from op3)

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
b513525 Update brazilian portuguese translation
3f40a94 Update pl strings Corrected translation and added missing strings

   * packages/apps/Terminal/
6207ebb Terminal: change the default colors
dcad0bc Terminal: Fix keyboard Ctrl- and ALT-key input.
64599e9 Terminal: all menu items should have their proper icon
d0f5747 Terminal: update main theme color for improved readability
e2429bd Terminal: fix preference defaults
bf3c913 Terminal: volume keys as up/down
6930c7c Terminal: add runtime permissions
899466d TerminalKeys: Disable debug
4d07de8 Terminal: Convert CheckBoxPreference to SwitchPreference
01e5dc1 Terminal: Cleanup duplicate strings
bd73380 Some cleanup.
bae905d Term: materialize
50abf1d Properly clear background when changing colors.
82b4044 Also use set colors for scrollback lines that aren't filled yet.
f4c9c9b Allow access to external storage
58d69f5 Add application icon
81915af Add settings for fullscreen, orientation, font size, color


   * external/proguard/
dd5ace4 proguard: Update to version 5.3.3

   * external/vixl/
d4da0d10 Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master'

   * frameworks/base/
438e8f85755 Fix screenshot action in powermenu * and move delay to NitrogenUtils * decrease screenrecord tile delay

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
c8b59ed Add Turkish translation


   * frameworks/base/
52e0c8a7474 Add roaming icon to statusbar blacklist
c4c93f20db8 base: SystemUI: add VPN to the icon blacklist in tuner
051ff968473 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
5e70f226988 Add support to manually pause/resume downloads [1/2]

   * kernel/xiaomi/kenzo/
139b262945e Fix derp
0d3602da040 Pure Kernel v2.6
e76365cbda1 net/wireguard: import using proper mechanism
3b35081c6df net: wireguard: bump to version 0.0.20171211
5c333b0b761 android: binder: Move buffer out of area shared with user space
a3413affdef android: binder: Refactor prev and next buffer into a helper function
c447b43ef84 binder: always allocate/map first BINDER_MIN_ALLOC pages
c18e12a18d4 v4l2: Refactor, fix security bug in compat ioctl32
f06c5a641b3 netlink: rename symbol to avoid clashes At somepoint we may need to wg_ namespace these.
ae0e4106d4c net: wireguard: fix build errors
b9d5fc3fad6 net: Import WireGuard 0.0.20171127    * info:
1d54bd47356 ANDROID: scsi: Add segment checking in sg_read
a8cf88d3113 BACKPORT: dentry name snapshots
86ea5b6bf5a ANDROID: usb: gadget: f_mtp: Return error if count is negative
8e82dd2d94e UPSTREAM: include/linux/mm.h: add PAGE_ALIGNED() helper
9855c463c27 BACKPORT: arm64: cpuinfo: Missing NULL terminator in compat_hwcap_str
b2ccba43945 ANDROID: lib: vsprintf: Add "%paP" option
5823d9acedc UPSTREAM: net: xfrm: allow clearing socket xfrm policies.
116ad7f5404 BACKPORT: packet: in packet_do_bind, test fanout with bind_lock held
7d5164ad1c8 UPSTREAM: packet: hold bind lock when rebinding to fanout hook

   * system/core/
b1426213e Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD


   * device/oneplus/oneplus3/
744fdef ramdisk: clean useless services and use vendor/bin/sh
69d5b7f Update sepolicy

   * external/libpng/
361ab56 libpng: Update to version 1.6.34

   * frameworks/base/
a5fb140a179 Spam: Fix non-protected broadcast from supersu, qcril and fm
c4de24d6929 Fix doze for power torch
ff6393e852d Fix custom lockscreen shortcut icons being white

   * hardware/qcom/bt/
a26078f bt: add msm8953

   * system/core/
da229623e init: optimize shutdown time


   * device/xiaomi/kenzo/
7d79e4f fix error; trying to reduce jankiness
40526e6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into o2
0ff5539 Import power hal from

   * frameworks/base/
e8449b7fe1c Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
6e27e9d9ae2 Statusbar bluetooth battery level: add a device filter
77a3f523064 Statusbar bluetooth battery level: improve compatibility
78051cfb0c5 Display bluetooth battery status when available [1/2]
3186f057fb1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
32719fcc206 fingerprint: Speed up wake-and-unlock scenario * Directly  dismiss keyguard instead of using a fade-out animation * Skip virtual  navigation button animation on wake
93c3688457f aapt: enforce 0 compression
85dcbbd839e aapt: Default to 0 compression ratio

   * kernel/oneplus/msm8996/
c09ed941b93 proc: Remove additional SafetyNet flags from /proc/cmdline
8346b5b41a6 proc: Remove verifiedbootstate flag from /proc/cmdline

   * packages/apps/Settings/
6c2fb3a3d8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
8fb8fffc22 Settings: Use seekbar to allow setting arbitrary animation values dwitherell updated to incorporate support friendly internal approach
20ef8ab498 Add back increasing ring feature (2/3).


   * bionic/
39d5bc36c Don't re-export libgcc symbols not in 7.0
3f6f16cdd bionic: strip libc and linker
063dc69df Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
cd2aebed8 Find clang correctly
bd3a0bf0a libc: add optimized ARM64 strrchr from newlib
9919e240f libc: Optimize ARM memcmp by using NEON.
1904a2928 Use builtins for nearbyint on armv8 and arm64
319d4d843 Use builtins for fma/fmax/fmin/rint/round/trunc on 32-bit ARM
81bce7acd Use builtins for ceil/floor/rint/trunc on arm64

   * build/make/
b952e5e69 ntfs fix; this is a53; this is magenta
77cadcbc3 Create 0 compression ratio jar files
4e3d56c70 clang: Setup for DragonTC and eightone [1/2]
9bdb09fba build: Add in make novo
779e965a4 Remove
ed2099fa6 All operating systems are beautiful

   * device/oneplus/oneplus3/
e87ca60 op3(t): sepolicy updates
ecbf752 op3(t): update media codec files from stock op

   * external/freetype/
35bfd81 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
0a1e9b8 freetype: update to version 2.8.1

   * external/jemalloc/
76f6827 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
d208768 jemalloc: update to version 4.5.0

   * external/libxml2/
0330ed4f libxml2: update to version 2.9.7

   * external/zlib/
cb88cdd Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
945e396 zlib: enable unaligned memory access
487ea42 trees: minor enhancement to put_short() macro
744f683 deflate: restructure the loop
e5930e4 deflate: rewrite the loops
4f8f957 Using ARMv8 CRC32 specific instruction
3e356f1 NEON implementation for Adler32
1486378 Cache s->ins_h in a scalar while looping.
f084c41 zlib: crc optimization for arm64
401ce76 zlib: Upgrade to zlib 1.2.11

   * frameworks/base/
a0c1a1a6dde Fingerprint authentication vibration [1/2]
746aa9b4fc9 Vectorized the power menu sound panel selector
f60fc6cec69 Fix silent mode icons in new power menu
07224f22c9d Fix airplane mode in new power menu
284298f4da6 Add Screen Record to the Power Menu [1/2]
ed5add63a9c PowerMenu: add delay to screenshot action and hide power dialog when partial screenshot
bf4e37ca3e3 Powermenu Torch option [1/2]
3230e589219 Pimp the power menu out [1/2]
4c9021c2284 MiniThumbFile: Fix image/bitmap retrieval
59638d646f9 Rework thumbnail handling
e09127e3b50 DUI: Uncomment screenrecord
15285ea1053 Lockscreen bottom shortcuts fixes
7021ba95231 base: tuner: add a hide config to left and right shortcut
eb3aa7c6fdf base: Disable Emergency affordance feature in Power Menu
2a7c30d89a8 Powermenu: use new gradient dialog also for  recovery/bootloader action
2d817c8706e Persistent background app notification: disable by default

   * packages/apps/DeskClock/
b9a64e2a3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
535577b51 fix upstream targetSdkVersion attribute

   * packages/apps/Dialer/
24b5b7cd7 Show proper call duration

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
573395d Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
45cf2ce Return Fingerprint authentication vibration
266d469 NitrogenSettings: Return power menu
c893372 NitrogenSettings: Return power menu

   * packages/apps/Settings/
5eb2033525 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
46d18f38fd Use correct icon for sim card - Instead of storage/sdcard icon, use the correct vector drawable sim card icon
ab0e97d197 Settings: fix notification volume linking
24f34329d0 Settings: unlink notification volume is back
973804b753 Live Volume Steps: Add missed bluetooth sco
101b8b00e6 Live Volume Steps [2/2]
e26f0cc39c Return AOSP Gesture (1/2)
ff2349ea9b SoundSettings: Add screenshot sounds settings
ee223dfaea SoundSettings: Add charging vibration settings
ff19d8b60e Disable suggestions (2/2) Thanks to @ezio84

   * system/core/
d3244cb98 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD
d435b9409 Remove Foreground Boost CPUSet
25c3e9f11 System Server Force Close.
0e8360dbd fix null pointer and memory leak issue
582f92b9c set permissions on /system/addon.d/ and files within.
56e8e5cc0 set /system/etc/init.d/* permissions

   * system/sepolicy/
372563e2 sepolicy: allow settings to read selinux status

   * vendor/oneplus/
d69918b Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
366d855 op3: add missed

   * vendor/xiaomi/kenzo/
309891e Remove shutdownlistener


   * bionic/
39a95659b Use builtins for fma/fmax/fmin/round on arm64.
e89faf67c Enable 32-bit armv8 NEON for libm

   * build/kati/
cb295cb Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD

   * build/make/
5eeea7b29 arm64: Rework A53 Errata Fixing logic
673b85c58 build: condition A53 errata workarounds in RenderScript
15dc27fee Build support for 32-bit armv8-a
4a43d8edf core: remove all the spam about including make files

   * build/soong/
94b4749 clang: Setup for DragonTC and eightone [2/2]
584660e soong: Update dumpvar to match build
2c2d977 soong: make host use native not prescott
40dc2c2 soong: use -mcpu=cortex-a57 for kryo
3cf1146 Pass correct emulation string to gold
1ed872a Build support for 32-bit armv8-a
d0864c8 For aosp build with clang master

   * device/oneplus/oneplus3/
a80e734 Revert "audio: Add missed audio_effects.conf"

   * device/xiaomi/kenzo/
e4b3449 Remove audio_effects.conf
0c6df53 interactive tweaks onboard. themes
5d8207c armv8, features
87962d9 Include camera from our HAL
5960e36 device: fix hwui configs path
84ed39a overlay: fix for 8.1
d34c435 Switch to new hals

   * external/ImageMagick/
38217c4be Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/expat/
1743e6a Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/freetype/
f7f2e52 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/jemalloc/
806b849 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/libunwind_llvm/
649a441 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/v8/
7df3a551 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/webp/
8826ed5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/webrtc/
09c024865 Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * external/zlib/
420e3bc Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/oreo' into HEAD

   * frameworks/base/
f44af2f1278 QS: add Screenrecord tile @xyyx: adapted to O
2c8ad1a2b91 Add a timer to screen record
abe8dc8d39a Save screenrecord in "Screenrecords" directory
bee765b92fa base: bring back screenrecord  - adapt for O Squashed commit of the following:
9a1cffe41eb CellularTile: stop annoying me, Google

   * frameworks/native/
103e4137b sf: Initialize DispSync in SurfaceFlinger_hwc1

   * packages/apps/Launcher3/
6ba00af51 Merge remote-tracking branch 'nos/o2' into HEAD
73ea30ca6 RU translation

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
262fb07 Return AOSP gesture(2/2)

   * packages/apps/Settings/
6d558ca0d4 Use correct icon for sim card - Instead of storage/sdcard icon, use the correct vector drawable sim card icon
7dfc005012 Settings: fix notification volume linking
5463fbdb45 Settings: unlink notification volume is back
874b6b9d9a Live Volume Steps: Add missed bluetooth sco
145703a347 Live Volume Steps [2/2]
6742ed544c Return AOSP Gesture (1/2)
d7a8bbd256 SoundSettings: Add screenshot sounds settings
bac228c12a SoundSettings: Add charging vibration settings
f2ab8d2c2a Disable suggestions (2/2) Thanks to @snak3ater and @Mazda--

   * system/core/
8f0e5456d Merge remote-tracking branch 'benzo/eightone' into HEAD

   * vendor/xiaomi/kenzo/
c30a0ba Revert "Import GPU blobs from 360 N5"


   * build/make/
a8d705ced build: only warn on LOCAL_CLANG set to false

   * device/oneplus/oneplus3/
9bf039a libinit: ready for 8.1

   * device/xiaomi/kenzo/
01e873b Add sound_trigger to include
2b42c4a sepolicy: fix for 8.1
107dc4e Import gps from our HAL
1a2a8a5 Try to fix reboots

   * external/aac/
ca68592 aarch64: cplx_mul: Convert ASM to C to fix clang error
9f61281 Add aarch64 assembly optimization (ARMv8a 64 bits)

   * frameworks/base/
11da47289cc Fix stock nav icon size after DUI merge
5b5d130d650 DUI: don't initialize pulse and media arrows for some apps [1/2]
60b6715e647 DUI smartbar double tap to sleep [1/3]
3265863f6e1 Add back increasing ring feature (3/3)
ddbbdeb4016 PowerProfile: allow overriding default power profile
4f86ac488b1 Replace ugly DU's last app animations with old CM's
e5afc2db32f base: Introduce Accidental Touch Accidental Touch is a feature useful for many, especially the gamers out there. It prevents any sort of accidental touch on hardware buttons while the touchscreen is in use. This means you won’t experience any unexpected behaviour while playing games, web browsing or even when attempting to reach your finger out to the edge of that humongous display.
05f45991464 base: Introduce new navigation bar key event source
6627adbbbc2 RU translation
5d172e4b767 Fix Hardware keys backlight not turning of with disabler
299ac44749c Buttons: Hardware key disable support with M adaptations
0d22f9ef3d7 frameworks/base: Don't report existing menu key if it was
7b80f088df1 Buttons: Bring up DU hardware key action binding framework
a29c4b94c78 Dui abc customization: remove no aosp libs and change fling logo
5d98bd0daea DUI: Initial checkin for Oreo [5/7]
8d0134670b5 audio: Don't play sound effects if stream is muted
3c2de971e08 config: longer wifi scan interval
d41ec8242d2 Add key for proxi check for wake keys
4a0e676d587 BatteryService: add dash charging support
17ee8171c37 base: add DeviceKeyHandler
dbbf4f59857 fingerprint: notify client when cancelling succeeded
b22a8adb7c8 SystemUI tuner activities: fix SysUI fc on rotation
7ee9a572e7a Live Volume Steps [1/2]
1794198f6bf Quick Settings: Avoid expand indicators shortly showing on edit
0c8f4b1e5a5 Fix NPE with LightBarController dump
ada242b5eff GlobalActions: Fix airplane mode switch for MSIM
5086b33cb67 GlobalActions: Set the initial status of airplane mode toggle
9a83ce41aa6 Support UnifiedNlp (microG)
5e6f6c04c9f Add support for fake signatures, enabled per app by dynamic perms
2df2492e688 NfcTile: use Oreo style
0cf396b29f8 Telephony: Don't crash for too long baseband version
e07352fcae0 Allow faster app switching
8422b3c27a1 Re-introduce custom charging on/off sounds
65305f78ada ScreenshotSound: Fix playing screenshot's sound when camera's sounds off. This bug actually because Screenshot uses Camera Shutter Sound
0c7a569cad5 Disable/Enable screenshot sound [1/2]
ae4cdc60f09 Keyguard: Don't show keyguard if CryptKeeper enabled
ed44bace622 BatteryWarningColor: fix white statusbar icons when warning color is disabled in powersave mode
9fa1b577e99 Fully enable system round icons
739983567cc Enable Round App Icons
51a16524a03 PiP tile: add toast if pip mode is not avail
c4a7eb50e1d Silence camera policy keyguard check logspam
0b2fd77a84a SystemUI: Support display for radio tech
72c69d4765f Collapse Notification panel after tapping CLEAR ALL button
55b28df9236 base: SystemUI: volumes in dialog should have same order as in settings
7ce714322b0 [1/2] base: allow disabling quick settings on secure lock screens inspired by SlimRoms/frameworks_base@b76f8af DirtyUnicorns/android_frameworks_base@3a4d3be

   * frameworks/rs/
9829f8a3 rs: fix renderscript build with clang6

   * hardware/qcom/audio-caf-msm8952/
78498e3 hal: BT sco and speaker combo device selection logic
5f0c704 Fix for effects descriptor search path for vendor or system partitions
acdb39f Move device dependent modules to /vendor
fe0b3ea HAL: Treblize config file
3207582 Remove old shared lib

   * hardware/qcom/display-caf-msm8952/

   * hardware/qcom/media-caf-msm8952/
9ae380e fix circular dependency libnativewindow <-> libui
78b2c0b media: Adjust for new header Android.bp requirements

   * packages/apps/DUI/
702da62 Centralize dui broadcast receivers

   * packages/apps/Launcher3/
4c86fbb2a Launcher3: Enforce light status bar feature flag in allapps

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
f57e343 Disable some features
f703d3f NitrogenSettings: Update zh_rCN translations

   * packages/apps/Settings/
88d866b812 DUI: Initial checkin for Oreo [3/7]
25a0ee02a8 Dynamically define currently installed vendor.img version *parse the vendor fingerprint for the vendor build id *automatically remove on devices without a vendor image
b6f0d9e195 Notification lights: use default resources for color on and off [1/2]
359956e53f add activity to launch headsup settings fragment
ad9580dcdf Duplicate Density option
5cb01853db Settings: Correctly align cursor in Settings
a15f734a3d Light on zen option: refresh switch state on Light disabled/enabled
4d1099903b AppOps: Add BOOT_COMPLETED option and BootUp category
0228bfbb83 AppOps: use nitrogen arrays and strings without summaries
a38b1e5f68 Enable App Ops
174e75de40 AppOps: Remove icons in detail item Before: After:
02fb1cd809 Fix viewpager tabs not showing on AppOpsSummary
d77ecd389c Guard against themes without colorAccent defined
37e586809a Notification light: if we enable light for an app, enable system setting too
a32818f1b7 LED: Fix missed default color
4f545c4645 Notification light: light during DND option [2/2]
0e62b27ff5 Allow to customize notification led light [1/2] for both legacy apps and new api26 apps (per-channel led customization) Add reset button to notification light color pref
c5fba9592d Settings: remove demo and quick_settings from development
8879cc3f77 Enable notifications led light by default [2/2]
81624a7088 Add ability to permanently hide apps from recents [3/3]
3235d24fa3 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (2/2)
75a4be0d98 Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking [2/2]
7189cca162 Allow to doubletap or longpress power to toggle flashlight [3/3]
0a0dcb2cb2 Ability to disable dashboards conditions (2/2)
0dc6145dca Changelog: clean and make themeable before: after:
08258399d1 Changelog: prettify
73b6ab925b Settings: Changelog
eeef41efe0 Add Nitrogen stuff *Nitrogen logo *Nitrogen OTA *Remove legal info
fc9e7fed40 Make isPackageAvailable as public
4363afba07 Dev settings: set switchbar to ON by default
df890d0132 Allow to disable "Apps running in background" Android System notification
9631698dd2 Keep aapt2 enabled and add NitrogenSettings package to proguard Move NitrogenSettings dashboard tile on bottom before System Settings
52c2e65122 Add custom NitrogenSettings dashboard
b00569d310 Fix NPE in SettingsPreferenceFragment
d9a7d2e5c5 Expose PhoneInfo
aa440cbcbe add additional battery saver steps
e36a584c5b Enable Development Settings By Default regardless of build type * also kill dev countdown + redo arleady enabled string
16d101fe9a Settings: display fstype for mounted volumes
496c552cda Clean up manifest issues
b566db7dd0 Remove feedback and bug report stuff
408ded3f97 Remove OTA prefs
90a441abf8 Disable System Update fragment
52f4f649b9 Settings: Disable the other learn more too to prevent crash Thanks Google! The least intrusive way is just to disable the link as it will still show learn more but it can no longer crash.
40dd593e69 Settings: Hide learn more button on fingerprint page

   * vendor/nitrogen/
ce907b7 Disable top left/right statusbar and navbar icons padding


   * device/oneplus/oneplus3/
bf06bb0 op3: Provide vendor camera parameters via shim
46a2764 overlay: clean for 8.1

   * frameworks/base/
091a6f35a19 Recents: allow single tap on app icon to show app info overlay
a4e3336a49e Disable dashboard suggestions (1/2)
97925dfe54b ViewConfiguration: Set scroll friction to 0.012
5e5835e7eec QS Tile: increase DEFAULT_MAX_BOUND to 6
2a9517e3710 Base: fix facelock crash when lock screen is disabled
fe122e935f3 SystemUI: enable NFC tile
342dc7f8524 Don't refresh ui when screen off KeyguardStatusView is doing refresh all the time, which cause high power when screen off
efebfa7cf5c display: Don't animate screen brightness when turning the screen on
2723bd2331f Base: HeadsUp snooze function [1/2] 5.1 introduced a snooze feature which activates when swiping up. Default snooze time is 1 minute. Let's make it configurable!
140d6fac29b HeadsUp: add timeout option (1/2)
1dcdc6d68c8 BrightnessMirror: fix brightness icon not showing
0d07e573f25 Brightness slider: only enable auto brightness toggle when also enabed for QS
a1058f050f5 Fix automatic brightness QS toggle icon
54cd9d6880e QS auto brightness toggle rework
37ce14327c0 Add option to disable auto brightness icon in brightness slider [1/2] - Off by default because this is not everyone's cup of tea
6c306e62a64 Add auto brightness toggle to Quick Settings
2752ecfbef8 base: add zen mode off hook to prevent problems with ringer mode
e3e072c5e33 SystemUI : Port forward statusbar brightness control Brings back the status bar brightness control from cm-10.2/cm-11
ddba29f890b HeadsUpTile: Add long-press action to open Nitrogen settings fragment
9b738e4439f SystemUI: HeadsUp blacklists (1/2)
ebf3750e7af Add handling SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException.
fa6d15d328b MTU should be 1358 as per 3GPP standards, especially for LTE radio interfaces.
902a4ff4123 Fix for google backup and restore
be8de6a7701 [Squashed] Remove drawables we don't need
474d5ddd1ae Delete media tests
0ff11c7e3e9 Remove unnecessary videos
5126dc12e66 BluetoothAdapter: disable logspew
5b2fe32cba7 SystemUI: Add heads up tile
bce12dc7180 [1/2] base: config to disable power menu on secure lock screen
0c3d078e84b 1/2] base: unlink notification volume is back -delete old  unused volume images -add new one for notification volumes maybe some day one  will be able to create a vector drawable for this - I am not :)
c27afb5e8ae Fingerprints: Increase MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS
7a420afa4c7 telephony: Hack GSM and LTE signal strength
35a6b328672 NetworkTraffic: Add paddings
cc22ca69bf8 Keyguard: disable menu key on lockscreen
1a9ff37c92a base: remove dep between accessability rotate and tile
3eadfcf3931 Add Sound tile to Quick Settings
93487b003f8 AppOpsManager: Fix wrong coarse location permission issue
338585f6809 AppOps: Fix NPE from AppOpsManager.checkPackage.
48faab4df63 AppOps: Enable MODE_IGNORED for OP_WAKE_LOCK
d3078bf8db8 AppOps: Do not prune apps that are not present
f9a4b43942c AppOps: Avoid RuntimeException and log spam
f916140598c AppOps: Add BOOT_COMPLETED operation Add BOOT_COMPLETED operation in AppOps.
b2dab049208 PiP tile: launch PiP settings with long press
e0eb0d41400 Fix Google Calendar FC * Reported by many users using full dynamic gapps pkg
a11a9c35b59 GAPPS: Add the rest of the regular Google Apps Also set all permissions to true
42d32fe2a7c Permissions: Fix permissons for ContactsProvider2 Fix this error:
0be0b94c7e8 Fix Fi permissions
5769c9f8401 Core: Fix setupwizard FC
1906b956cc7 Fix Android 7.0 GApps permisions which were causing F/C
38e427e6245 Adb over Network: add QS tile [2/3]
73d090dea98 Adb over Network: add QS tile [1/3]
328464e524e Notification lights: use default resources for color on and off [2/2]
3f3b94bc2cc LEDs: fix default color
a6132c5cf9e Notification light: light during DND option [1/2]
0257afbe0cf Allow to customize notification led light [2/2]
40b428b7958 Enable notifications led light by default [1/2]
8a68d15d4dd Status network traffic [1/2]
7e822b8cc3f Battery light customization [1/2] abc ezio84: allow to disable battery light when Do Not Disturb is enabled use our margaritov color picker for the settings part
d76e2e861df FWB: Add Volume Key Answer (1/2)
01bff2f43fc Add VOLTE icon Extracted from CAF and adapted to AOSP by @xyyx Added switch to statusbar icon blacklist by @xyyx
9e5d0c76cd8 H+ icon: fix qs color
743c5632f04 SystemUI: Statusbar: Add HSPA+ icons Forward! Forward port H+ icon in the status bar when connected to HSPA+ Uses new vector drawables by blunden Migrated some code due to this split up: android/platform_frameworks_base@da68f59
3d6f5374124 Frameworks: add ability to disable bar color in battery saver mode (1/2)
68adf31a393 framework: port IME selector notification toggle (2/2)
9b18cc09c18 Ringtone audio focus
b4ed3ff5ecf fwb: Add ability to permanently hide apps from recents [1/2] This is based off XposedAppSettings, but modified to fit our needs, and a little bit of: d9973ba Part 2 is inside the Lux CarbonFibers Bringup
b7b52021962 Add partial/full screenshot QS tile single tap to choose the mode, long press to fire
a58482f0b77 Add api to take screenshots abc: extracted from DUI add a public call to NitrogenUtils
9f47bf90ed8 Immersive Recents [1/2] Name says it all. Made this when someone had asked about how recents look with Touchwiz, simple enough.
00f1091234a Port: Wake on plug (1/2)
a0ac4e9ac9f SystemUI: disable statusbar time refresh when screen off
4d77b122202 Allow to disable HOME key when ringing [1/2] In early versions Google disabled it by default. In 7.1.x HOME key always works that is very annoying for users
478dc9a2821 PowerManagerService: fix HW button illumination timeout Patch eb01128, introducing hardware button backlight on button keypress only, also introduced a bug:
17d5b473e32 PowerManagerService: add a config to light up buttons only when press… …ed (1/2)
804e08dd710 Dynamically tell the user which vendor image is needed *parse the build fingerprint for the required vendor id
4f06bc988c8 Fix volume wake and volume music control at the same time
1a6e5d18dd3 Add PiP tile atm this works also with YouTube without Red subscription
d9e3b7ff580 Add a sendKeycode api to NitrogenUtils code borrowed from
88fb2f2cdf3 policy: readd volume button wake
562c8056180 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (1/2)
7946303ab82 Keyguard: Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking (2/2)
886e1463da5 Framework: Volume key cursor control (1/2) This feature is moved to framework so it also works with third party keyboards.
c8c303bda1a LockscreenCharging: squashed (1/3) needed system/core patch based on: [2/2] frameworks: show charging current & voltage on lockscreen by yank555-lu [2/2]Base: show more battery info on lockscreen when charging by yank555-lu LockscreenCharging: Use double for mChargingVoltage and show as 4.XV by xyyx Lockscreen charging: Formatting improvements by nathanchance
02ad092cda9 QS tiles customizer: respect user tiles columns value
e0c0b34de90 Allow to set QS panel columns and rows [1/2]
7c8f3989bb2 Use bottom lockscreen to sleep
a41b5da0d41 Double tap to sleep on statusbar [1/2]
8ea6cfe930b Allow user to add/remove QS with one click
4e4f23f85c8 Allow to doubletap or longpress power to toggle flashlight [1/3]
8fa98159580 Disable Lockscreen Media Art [1/2]
21c4cb1e553 [1/2] base: volume key music control
811ba115a9e Return: Smart Pulldown [1/2]
82ccd10f15e Add Quick Settings Pulldown options
08aee7ce8a2 Double tap to sleep on lockscreen [1/2]
ef3d80a2c8b Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime (2/2)
8b94ff83bfe [1/2] base: allow to swap volume buttons rotation based
aca9cdbca2d QS: long press caffein tile to toggle cpu info overlay
35dfbf58990 CPUInfo: return cpu temp
bda7a591ff1 base: add CPU info overlay
bb1d987dda9 Enable SysUi tuner and hide from Settings
42974d68e45 onLongClick Settings button for NitrogenSettings
187fd5807e4 Run LockscreenFragment external
be144afbd61 Run NavBarTuner external
ae975226f96 fwb: Seperate statusbar from tuner and launch externally ExTunerSettings style by beanstown106
ccf640499b4 Don't show MENU_REMOVE in QsTuner
8d1cc4f07a7 Lockscreen Weather: OmniJaws version Reworked by @xyyx Based on: Keyguard: Create lockscreen weather by Decad3nce Lock screen: Weather panel improvements by XXMrHyde make lockscreen weather fonts a bit smaller by darkobas Fix NPE with WeatherStatus on KeyguardStatusView by tobitege Fix weather items npe by beanstown106 Use Omnijaws API thanks to omni rom and Max Winger by varund7726 Fix Weather on Lockscreen not updating by varund7726 Extend OmniJaws Client to Keyguard by maxwen base: SystemUI: use new OmniJaws error broadcasts base: SystemUI: remove force weather update bits KeyguardWeather: Update weather after switching options by xyyx
51fd5272a3e Ability to disable dashboards conditions (1/2)
ccad556ffc6 Add some static custom utilities
9ef71d8e430 Reboot/Recovery QS Tile @xyyx: Adapted and reworked to O @qjohn: Vectorized icons
7a18e057133 PowerMenu: add a toggleable recovery/bootloader action @xyyx: fix reboot strings
8dcb5697499 SystemUI: add caffeine qs tile Adapt for Oreo by @xyyx
75536e0ef3c LteTile: multisim compatibility
6702e6dbef5 SystemUI:Add LTE Tile works only with 1 sim phone (maybe will rework @xyyx :))
9a06cf64125 incall vibration options [1/3] *allow setting vibration when call is connected *allow setting vibration when call is disconnected *allow setting vibration for call waiting *this works with google and aosp dialer :)
357b9f8eabf Change hardcoded white color
ffeb8c5e947 SystemUI: Fix task lock & freeform buttons placement
b3ef7198ec1 SystemUI: Support recents task locking
e5e55b947a6 Fix Recents FAB padding The FAB was overlapping the nav bar in both portrait and landscape modes.
e04bac816f3 Fix FAB not disappearing in multiwindow
af33b945471 SystemUI: Recents: Allow closing empty view via tapping * Same as on new code base
31870562ab5 Recents fab button improvements
c46d3946854 Recents Clear All Button Tweaks and Add FAB to Recents Panel  Thanks to RR and @varund7726
8e80520e341 Add DeskClock in powersave whitelist
a384b9327ee Optimize IncallUI delay for voice calls
0c1667b9a50 Switch to Pixel2XL 8.1 sounds [1/2]
791a8417bda Copy only new Pixel sounds in the rom zip
00d69e20520 Add all Pixel sounds
33bfdc74569 Sounds: Cleanup duplicate ringtones/alarms
251942a06d5 add googles new alarm sounds from android-n
bbfff46a73a Use Google Nexus Audio Files [2/2]
2a3a1aba9c2 DoubletapPowerForCamera disabled by default [2/2]
d9dd1f74039 Hide Build.DATE custom api
eb9b9616e5a Enable NSRM (Network Socket Request Manager).
f2ade65b79c AlarmsBlocker [1/2] Made by @faust93. Based on WakelockBlocker by @maxwen
4aada354cb8 WakelockBlocker [1/2] ported by @faust93

   * frameworks/support/
70c80b64f Factor out preference-in-storage check to overridable method.

   * packages/apps/DUI/
1d412a2 Set navbar always translucent
d2ca042 Fix editor Action and Icon popups not working if system animations are off

   * packages/apps/DeskClock/
e2eba7230 RU translation
624f396de DeskClock: use non-Compat Notification classes
9130e21c2 DeskClock: move to NotificationChannels
d12174676 DeskClock: start foreground service for alarms

   * packages/apps/Dialer/
9c8623b32 Dialer: Update CS and SK translations
6e22fe76d InCallUI: SmartMute
fd420e835 FAB now properly scales in multiwindowed mode.
c92171338 Add slovak and czech translations
1c427fa24 Dialer: We want consistents....change CheckBoxes to Switches Like in settings it is on other places often switches and here and there a checkbox Change all CheckBoxes to Switches like sugested by google for new LP Ui.
4d799e91d Fix issue that "Use touch tone keypad" doesn't work
f11b1649c Change phone icon on hold banner
fcba48054 Add missing permissions to Dialer
13a57f56e Add toggle for post call snackbar
4edcec559 Refactor dialpad layout to support t9 search in multiple languages * Moves t9 labels to the side in portrait mode to make room for secondary labels * Adds resources for alternate language t9 labels
fe4bf5b2a Russian T9 for Dialer (author @dimfishr) PS6:  final nitpick: replaced getLanguage() with       getCountry() call - primarily for those who are       going to implement Chinese Traditional/Simplified       support (because they all have "zh" language code,       but letters are different in rHK/rCN) PS7:  polishing: wrapped some lines at 100 chars, restored       original dimens.xml / colors.xml values (looks better       with 41dp, color change could go into another commit)       ... purged earlier patch set changes PS8:  fixed MDPI compatibility, marked 1/0/*/# "letters" as       untranslatable (they are not displayed in any case) PS9 & PS10: added "values-en-rRU" (Dmitriy). PS11: minor padding tweak (7dp -> 8 dp). PS12: fix buttons being 11dp off to the left, this can not       be unseen.
429affeb9 Dialer: add to support multi-language smart search - use the new API to realize multi-language smart search   for contact name. - change the match rules for number, use fuzzy match rules.

   * packages/apps/Messaging/
dab8ee2 Add slovak and czech translations
f435436 Add 'new message' shortcut using the API introduced in sdk25
4ae7fe1 Change avatar fontFamily to sans-serif-medium
302be57 Change theme for the open source license dialog
2501138 Messaging: show snackbar instead of toast when deleting conversation more consistency with archive action
b0b2a24 Messaging App is crashing when storage  memory is full
f86ad41 Messaging:Swipe right to delete conversation Change "swipe delete" to "swipe right delete", so SwipeArchive and SwipeDelete can exist at the same time.
267f7b9 Messaging: Implement option for swipe to delete.

   * packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
78720cba Show versions when installing or updating packages
ba9a4eab Fix PackageInstaller FC when tapping on a downloaded apk notification 2
f09e1a05 Fix PackageInstaller FC when tapping on a downloaded apk notification

   * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
60b43001c Update JNI fallback lib name
6d4ea41e9 LatinIME: disable sound on keypress on all devices by default
135e37e83 LatinIME: Add shortcuts support
29e80207b Fix send button not being centered for non-standard densities.
eed3be678 Don't interrupt active gesture input by modifier key presses.
37ee72c3c LatinIME: Only enable gesture mode if gesture lib is available
4bb637e82 LatinIME: Add fallback loader for JNI lib
5fa393f8d Rearrange Slavic & Greek morekeys
e3054b44a Rearrange Morekey Options to follow numbers/symbols menu
fcc3924dd LatinIME: Add "more" keys to ALL the keys in Greek layouts
b30c62083 Added smiles without noise to AOSP keyboard
f146b6707 LatinIME: Bring back ALL the keys for QWERTZ
ee371c8e9 LatinIME: Apply "Enable more keys for top row on tablets" (f6620308ba) and "Add "more" keys to ALL the keys" (c561f31af9) to slavik layouts.
8750bc12d Add Moar Key Options

   * packages/services/Telecomm/
8280f161 Add back increasing ring feature (3/3).
1565f91d Use double vibration on call hang-up
e6adff16 incall vibration options [2/3] *allow setting vibration when call is connected *allow setting vibration when call is disconnected *allow setting vibration for call waiting *this works with google and aosp dialer :)

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